Start your journey to become a highly impactful academic.

I help new and experienced faculty, staff, industry professionals and academic leaders succeed in higher education by co-creating their path to flourish in the academy and personal life.

Whether you’re transitioning into, out of, or within the academy, I’m here to guide you through professional coaching and consulting.

  • One-on-One Coaching

  • Group Coaching

  • Executive Coaching

  • Consulting

Are you new to working in higher education or facing new challenges?

Working in higher education is one of the most rewarding career choices in the world but it can also be confusing and frustrating. Faculty and staff enter the academy in traditional and non-traditional ways, ranging from scholars with advanced degrees who focus on research to industry professionals with significant real-world experience who want to share their expertise with the next generation.

Everyone brings different strengths to the academy, but it can be challenging to figure out how to leverage those attributes to become a cutting-edge scholar or transformative leader without experiencing burnout. Of course, there’s more to life than work. Success at work represents only one of 10 integrated life domains that contribute to a happy, healthy, and meaningful life. I’m here to help you envision and implement your balanced life as a highly impactful academic.

Let’s get started.

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I’m here to help.

Frauke Hachtmann, Ph.D., MBA, MA, Board-Certified Coach

Creating a sustainable path toward an impactful, rewarding career in higher education as part of a balanced life can be quite challenging. It requires introspection, developing new systems, and a commitment to implementing change.

Many higher education professionals experience burnout along the way and wonder whether the academy is really where they want to be. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be that way. Having a successful academic career can take many different forms and I can help you discover your unique path.

I’m a fully promoted, tenured faculty member at a Big 10 university with more than 20 years of experience in the academy, including numerous leadership roles. As part of my journey, I’ve mentored many faculty, students, and staff and discovered my passion for developing people. If you envision a rewarding career in higher education but are stuck in how to accomplish it, I’d love to help you.


Pathfinder Life

In my 3-month signature coaching program, Pathfinder Life, we will work one-on-one to design a unique path to take your life to the next level. Whether you’re a senior faculty member or just starting your academic journey, we will use my systematic five-step framework to build the life that you want to live.

We’ll identify your “why” and imagine what’s possible, clarify your vision and mission, and develop a 10-year life plan around your key life domains with systems to help you implement it. To learn all the details and apply for one of the few spots remaining, click the button below.


Purpose. It all begins with your “why.” We will explore your aspirational values and create a unique purpose statement to help you understand your key motivations.

Exploring your life domains. To launch the next decade of your life, we will first create a stable platform by optimizing the five main areas of functioning, including family, work, spirituality, health, and community.

Developing and aligning goals. Once we know which areas of your life to focus on, we will set long-term goals and break them into smaller, measurable milestones aligned with your purpose statement.

Creating systems. To implement your life plan we will create sustainable systems so that you’ll know exactly what to focus on every year, month, week, and day.

Implementing and measuring key strategies. Now that we have a game plan, it’s go-time! You will start to implement your plan using the systems we co-created and adjust it as needed. I will be the guide on your side.

  • Define who you are and what you really want.

  • Discover the blindspots that are holding you back.

  • Create a mindset to reach your wildest dreams.

  • Pave the way to create your legacy.

  • Commit to going all in.

How does it work?

Book your discovery call.

Click the button below to book your free Pathfinder Explorer call.

Find your path.

Together, we will co-create your purpose-driven, inspiring Life Plan that will guide you through your next decade to take your life to the next level.

Go all in.

I will be your guide as you start putting your plan into action.

 If you’re interested in working with me, I’d love to chat. Let’s find your path!