What is coaching?

It begins with you.

Coaching is a process of self-discovery and empowerment. The process is designed to help you become the very best version of yourself. As your coach, I will help you recognize what’s possible and assist you in reaching your goals. We will learn from the past but focus on the future.

Coaching is a partnership. Together we will engage in a thought-provoking and creative process that will inspire you to maximize your personal and professional potential. By identifying and using your strengths, you will develop confidence and work toward making positive progress in your life.

I work primarily through dyadic coaching (one-to-one), which allows us to focus entirely on your goals, your implementation, and your results. Personal and professional transformation is a highly rewarding but challenging process that requires serious commitment.

I also offer periodic group coaching sessions, where you are part of a small group of highly accomplished individuals, working toward common goals. The power of group coaching lies in the collective energy of the group. You can find upcoming group coaching sessions here and/or contact me if you’d like to explore a customized experience for your group.

Are you ready for coaching?

Coaching is about helping you discover and actualize the best possible version of yourself. It can be a powerful way for you to envision bigger goals, live with more intention, and enjoy the benefits of all that life has to offer more fully.

As a high-achieving individual in higher education, you have a lot on your plate. Whether you’re new to the academy or a fully promoted and tenured member of the faculty, higher education is a highly rewarding but uniquely challenging space. You have many responsibilities and get pulled into a thousand directions. Not only are you teaching and mentoring many students, but you may also be juggling a challenging research or creative activity agenda, pursuing grants, and engaging in faculty governance. Your role may change as part of your career and with it your identity.

I can help you navigate life in the academy by focusing on one or more of these areas:

  • Mission, values, and identity statement

  • Academic leadership

  • Productivity, project management, and effectiveness

  • Exploring new career paths

  • Building a research agenda

  • Writing a book

  • Classroom management

  • Work-life balance

  • Online, in-person, and hyflex teaching

  • Strategic planning

  • Assessment

All of my coaching programs require an application to ensure compatibility with me and other group members if you join any of my groups.

What to expect

Dyadic (One-to-One) Coaching

In a typical one-to-one coaching session we will begin by creating an agenda that is determined by you. You are in the driver’s seat. Then, we will develop session outcomes and start the conversation, facilitated by powerful questions and activities. At the end of the session, you will reflect on the session outcomes and together, we develop a plan for action to help you move forward one or more of your goals forward.

Group Coaching

The purpose of group coaching is to maximize the combined energy, experience, and wisdom of its members. In the first session, we will establish specific goals and topics of the group. Together, we will explore the topics and learn from each other’s perspectives. Every group member is expected to actively participate in each session. There will be reflection exercises after each session.