Ultimate Pathfinder | Coaching for People in Higher Education

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5 Reasons Why Working with a Coach is Essential for Academics

If you’ve spent any time on social media lately, you’ve probably noticed that “coaching” has become increasingly popular. Coaches are experienced professionals who are helping a wide variety of people accomplish their goals, ranging from wellness coaching to executive leadership coaching, and everything in between. 

Coaching is a process of self-discovery and empowerment, and designed to help a person become the best version of him- or herself. It is a thought-provoking creative process that is based on a partnership between the coach and the coachee and together they create an inspiring roadmap for the coachee to make positive and sustainable progress in their life. Think of coaching as a way to “uplevel” your life, either taking a holistic approach or focusing on a specific aspect you would like to enhance.

Coaching is different from teaching and consulting because there is no power differential. It uses concepts from positive psychology but differs from therapy in that it’s focused primarily on the future, and not on the past. Because coaching is a partnership, both the coach and coachee need to be a good fit in order to create a powerful coaching alliance. Effective coaches generally have excellent listening and observational skills, which allows them to ask the right questions at the right time to help the coachee see problems from different angles. They hold space for them, offer support, but also challenge them to try different approaches. Successful coachees are willing to explore their life and behavior, are open to change, and perhaps most importantly, are ready to act.

Coaching has been a consistent practice among CEOs and executive leaders but almost anyone can benefit from working with a coach, especially individuals in higher education. Faculty, staff, and administrators are the backbone of colleges and universities around the world. In addition to teaching and supporting students, we conduct cutting-edge research that drives knowledge creation, informs the professions we serve, and seeks to improve the world we live in. But working in higher education has become increasingly challenging over the years as we balance heavier teaching loads with robust research agendas (preferably federally funded) and additional administrative work. And of course, we continue to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which significantly impacted students, faculty colleagues, budgets, and ourselves.

If you work in higher education facing all of these challenges, you might benefit from working with a coach. A coach, particularly one who specializes in higher education, can help you discover and actualize the best possible version of yourself. Participating in a coaching program can be a powerful way to not only navigate the increasingly complex world of higher education but to envision bigger goals, live more intentionally, and enjoy all of the benefits that life has to offer more fully.

As a high-achieving individual in higher education, you have a lot on your plate. You might even be an overachiever because it is what catapulted you into the profession. But it’s not sustainable. In fact, 35 percent of faculty in higher education say they feel burned out at work (Marken & Agrawal, 2022). A coach can help you balance your professional and private life, align your values with the work that you do, and focus on what moves the needs in your academic life. In higher education, coaching can help in a variety of ways:

01 Enhancing your teaching skills

Fun fact: while faculty are experts in their field, most of them do not have any professional education in teaching. Coaches specializing in higher education often have expertise in pedagogy and instructional design. We can offer valuable guidance ranging from teaching techniques to course design, curriculum development, and assessment. We can also help you develop innovative teaching strategies, communicate effectively, and create engaging learning experiences for students in an increasingly digital environment.

02 Supporting your research and writing

Having a cutting-edge research program is closely tied to developing and maintaining an effective writing habit. Coaches can help you optimize your research productivity, identify research goals that are reflective of your academic purpose, increase the impact of your work, and enhance your research reputation. In addition, we can help faculty with the entire publication process including planning, identifying funding sources, and establishing a regular writing routine based on your unique strengths. 

03 Navigating the world of higher education

The world of higher education can be very challenging, especially for new faculty and those who join the academic community from industry. Dealing with heavy teaching loads, increasingly demanding publication requirements, as well as departmental and interpersonal politics can be stifling. Coaches can provide a trusting and confidential environment to process and overcome challenging situations. Coachees can gain valuable insights, develop resiliency, and thrive within the complexities of academia.

04 Transitioning into new roles

Although the work of academics might not look like it changes much to people outside of higher education, it does. Not only do faculty move up in rank, some may decide to become academic leaders and/or administrators. These changes usually happen without any additional training but coaches can provide support to deal with strategic planning, evaluation of faculty and staff, and developing an effective leadership style. We can also help seasoned academic leaders transition back to faculty status or imagine retirement after a long professional career in higher education. 

05 Fostering a positive work-life balance

Because of the increasing demands of the professoriate, it is critical for people in higher education to cultivate self-awareness, manage stress effectively, and create boundaries between their professional and personal lives. Coaches can help explore coachees’ personal values, develop an academic mission, and align them with their intellectual work. This type of deep work leads to higher levels of motivation, increased job satisfaction, and a more fulfilling life.

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of higher education, investing in your personal growth and development is critically important to not only cope with the demands of academia but to maximize the impact of your work. A professional coach will guide you to gain clarity, set meaningful goals, overcome limiting beliefs, and develop essential skills to succeed both personally and professionally. Are you ready to level up?

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